Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Clan: A supernatural horror fiction about cryptids

 Book Cover

With heart-stopping terror and psychological trauma, The Clan takes you on a terrifying journey of the macabre, through the imagination of author D. Andrew's nightmares. 

Deep in the forest of the White Mountains, an orb of light illuminates the night as something crawls out from the otherworldly rift. A monstrous entity emerges into our world, hungering for flesh and blood. 

Sheriff John Grady, a veteran and a man of principles, stands alone and unsettled on his porch. An unearthly howl sends a chill through his body. His senses tingle, a feeling of dread envelopes him like a heavy cloak. The night is disturbingly still. Something malicious watches him from the dark. 

Join Sheriff Grady and his loyal men in their harrowing fight for survival against the abomination that threatens humanity. Unbeknownst to them, there are other carnivorous creatures that also watch them. Who will survive? 

This novel will keep you turning pages. Don't wait! Get the book today and let fear carry you on this gory trip of the supernatural and the unknown.

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