The 7 Figure Juice Bar Business Master Class:
Key mistakes to avoid / start and grow a successful juice bar without prior experience with this blueprint
Over the last few years, I went from literally not knowing anything about the juice industry to running a Juice Business that become a juice bar, vegan café and wellness studio then quickly expanding to rehabbing more buildings to expand the juice bar to make it into a big wellness center. I have worked as a consultant to help other entrepreneurs achieve their dreams of making it big and now you can too benefit from my experience. I have made a lot of mistakes and have negotiated great deals. Now its your turn to dream big and implement implement implement! Please keep in mind this is not a book to read for pleasure. This book is just compilation of info, mistakes, advice from my personal experience of how to open a juice bar and grow it quickly beyond your dreams – don’t read searching for grammar and sentence composition errors etc because you’ll find them instead focus on the advice and how to apply it because I promise you I’ve spent a lot of money by making big mistakes and now you can simply learn from me to save money and earn money very quickly.